M. A. (English), M. A. (Linguistics), NET (English & Linguistics), SET, M.Phil. (A Grade), B.Ed., Ph.D. (Submitted).
M. A. (English), M. A. (Linguistics), NET (English & Linguistics), SET, M.Phil. (A Grade), B.Ed., Ph.D. (Submitted).
An Overall Experience of 16 + years
Prof Deepak Dixit’s areas of interest include teaching with the help of Mnemonics and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), e-learning, computer assisted language learning (CALL), activity-based teaching, applied linguistics and materials production. He has published several research articles in the referred International Journals. He has conducted soft skill training to Maharashtra Police Dept, Sakal daily newspaper’s ‘Madhurangan’ group and Lokmat daily newspaper’s ‘Sakhi Manch’ group.